45 minutes



Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions which follow


When Suzzie's mother told her that she would attend school in Ghana, she wept bitterly because she had learned that Ghana was a backward country with no good schools, no good roads and little food. She would miss not only her parents but also her friends and wonderful things in America. But her father insisted that she must leave for Ghana because it was necessary for her to learn the culture and language of her motherland, in addition to those of her fatherland if she should have a balanced education. So, Suzzie left for school in Ghana.

Suzzie had been enrolled in International School for only a year, but she already had a lot of influence on her schoolmates. Her arrival on the first day had caused much excitement. Although her mother was black, her skin was as white as her father's. In fact she was the only white girl in the school and this attracted many of the girls to her, while some of the boys avoided her. In the early days, her mates found it difficult to understand her American brand of English while she also wondered how they could so easily dance to the beat of the local drums. But as time passed, they learned from one another and Suzzie's white skin ceased to be odd. They ate together, played together, and enjoyed school together. 

Soon Suzzie began to dread the thought that she might be asked to go back to her parents. She had become a complete Ghanaian and hoped they would not ask her to return to America.

1. Suzzie did not want to leave America because she believed that

A. Ghana was not her country

B. she would not be accepted

C. she might not be able to return to America

D. Ghana was underdeveloped

2. Which of the following is true?

A. The boys did not like Suzzie

B. Ghana was Suzzie's fatherland

C. Suzzie enjoyed Ghana very much

D. Suzzie's mates found dancing difficult

3. Odd in the passage means

A. strange

B. bad

C. beautiful

D. natural

4. From the passage, we learn that 

A. Suzzie's parents wanted her to return to Ghana

B. Suzzie was eager to make friends

C. Suzzie's parents wanted her to have a good education

D. Suzzie was anxious to return to her fatherland

5. Suzzie and her classmates learnt to 

A. play the drums

B. live in harmony

C. like the country

D. dance together


Boham woke up from a deep sleep in a hospital bed. A young doctor was examining him while another man stood near. A nurse was also beside his bed. Boham looked at the doctor, then gazed painfully at the other man who he gradually but happily recognized as Kankam, his own brother.

“Brother, what has happened? Why am I here?”

“Calm down, I'll tell you.”

“Then do so, at once!”

“Listen, brother, the results of the lotto draw gave you a great shock as you and Joe had staked heavily. The tension that had been built in you before the announcement made you faint on hearing the winning numbers. Luckily, a good Samaritan brought you to this hospital.”

“And Joe? Where is he, then?”

“Joe went crazy upon hearing the results. He walked up and down the streets like a mad man and got 

himself into some trouble.”

“How? What trouble?”

“As Joe walked about in despair, throwing his arms about, he hit somebody's breast pocket. Thinking that Joe was about to snatch his money, the man shouted, „Thief! Thief!!‟ Joe was instantly surrounded by many people who took him for a pick-pocket and nearly lynched him. A policeman intervened, arrested and sent him to the police station where he is still being detained for his own safety.”

6. Boham was in hospital because he had

A. suddenly fallen ill

B. fallen into a deep sleep

C. fainted upon hearing the news

D. been under severe tension

7. Boham could not at first recognize his brother because

A. he was still in great pain

B. the doctor was examining him

C. he had not woken up fully

D. he had not totally regained consciousness

8. Joe was in trouble because he had

A. been walking about the streets.

B. heard a man shout, “Thief, thief!!”

C. been suspected of attempting to steal money

D. thrown his arms about carelessly.

9. A policeman saved Joe from possible death by

A. taking him away

B. warming him

C. beating him

D. pleading with his attackers

10. The word lynched means to be killed 

A. slowly

B. for stealing

C. instantly

D. without a trial


Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence

11. The priest resisted the temptation to steal.

A. withheld

B. refused

C. withstood

D. refuted

12. The man was irritated by his son's disobedience.

A. uneasy

B. disappointed

C. shocked 

D. angry

13. The headmaster had the privilege to shake hands with the chief.

A. luck

B. chance

C. honour

D. capability

14. The excessive speeding made the accident inevitable.

A. fatal

B. certain

C. likely

D. unfortunate

15. Ama broadcast the rumour about the man's death.

A. spread

B. dispersed

C. revealed

D. scattered


In each of the following sentences a group of words has been underlined. Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one that best explains the underlined words.

16. The boy rather poured oil on the flames with his reply to the teacher's question.

This means his reply made the teacher more

A. confused

B. angry

C. careful

D. interested

17. The harsh economic situation has forced many families to live from hand to mouth.

This means many families

A. do manual work

B. live dangerously all the time

C. spend all their money on food

D. are unhappy

18. In spite of the Chairman's harsh words Kwame kept his head throughout the meeting.

This means Kwame

A. was bold and confident

B. was alert

C. remained silent

D. remained calm

19. Afia rose to the occasion when she was called to give the vote of thanks. This means

A. got up promptly to speak

B. proved she could do well

C. trembled all over

D. accepted the offer

20. I have heard from the horse's own mouth that he will be transferred.

This means that ……….that he will be transferred.

A. people are saying

B. it is rumoured

C. he himself says

D. it has been announced


From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence

21. Hunters are always careful in catching wild animals.

A. tame

B. confined

C. calm

D. free

22. It is compulsory for all citizens to take part in communal labour.

A. advisable

B. optional

C. good

D. unnecessary

23. The film was so boring that I fell asleep.

A. exciting

B. ordinary

C. disorderly

D. long

24. The classroom is surprisingly chaotic today.

A. busy

B. dirty

C. hectic

D. orderly

25. Our friends gave us a warm welcome.

A. plain

B. calm

C. hostile

D. steady


From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence.

26. There was not much sense in all …………the man said.

A. those

B. which

C. what

D. that

27. My father does not object ……………my giving you the book.

A. to 

B. on

C. for

D. at

28. You walk ………..fast that I cannot catch up with you.

A. quite

B. very

C. so 

D. to

29. The referee's partial decision sparked ………….the fighting

A. on

B. out

C. up

D. off

30. No sooner had my uncle left the house ………..my aunt arrived.

A. when

B. before

C. than

D. then

31. Have you ever heard Kwesi ……….a lie?

A. to tell

B. told

C. tells

D. tell

32. John has gone to bed early because he ………….a headache.

A. has

B. has been having

C. will be having

D. is having

33. Appiah is not playing table tennis today because he doesn't want …..

A. it

B. so

C. to

D. that

34. She arrived at the party late, …………?

A. didn't she

B. isn't it

C. didn't it

D. wasn't she

35. ………….as Musah did, he could not get the correct answer.

A. Tried

B. Trying

C. Try

D. To try

36. The candidates were called ……….. turns to meet the panel.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. by

37. Only by working hard …………………..this examination well.

A. a candidate can pass

B. can pass a candidate

C. a candidate pass can

D. can a candidate pass

38. Your writing is …………than mine.

A. worst

B. worse

C. bad

D. poor

39. Our teacher is ……….man that we all like him.

A. such kind a 

B. such a kind

C. a such kind

D. a kind such

40. Ibrahim visited the zoo after he …………his breakfast.

A. had

B. have had

C. have

D. had had




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7 months ago


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